Online platform for youth gain relevant skills to help them fully explore, exploit and create opportunities around them.

The Problem
Unemployment, unemployability and underemployment of the majority of the youth in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Mimi Ni Nani’s Solution
- Delivering relevant, demand-driven skills, experience and exposure for job creation and decent employment; through online and in person programs, events and webinars
- Establishing meaningful partnerships for sharing and exchanging opportunities, resources and networks; through mentorship, coaching and internship placements
- Building a strong support system that is inclusive, scalable and sustainable. through communities.
The Website
My role was to design a website that
- Communicates the vision of Mimi Ni Nani and invite others to partner in achieving it.
- Creates a platform for youth to enroll on online programs they can do at their own pace.
- Provides updates on events and seminars that youth can be a part of and build their networks.
- Builds awareness of Mimi Ni Nani programs and other services.
The Website Design

Project Details
Project: Mimi Ni Nani Website
Platform: Desktop & Mobile
Year: 2019 – 2020
Role: Visual Design, Illustrations and Icon Design, Information Architecture, Web Design & Development.